Virgo New Moon Beginnings are Postponed, as  Cosmic Endings Await

Dates and Cosmic Happenings

Thru September 4th - Neptune 29 degrees Pisces Trine Pluto 29 degrees Capricorn.

August  28th-29th - Neptune 29 degrees Pisces opposes Venus 29 degrees Virgo. On the 28th Venus begins an out of sign trine with Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius. On the 29th Venus ingresses into Libra, perfecting her trine with Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius.

September 2nd-4th - Mars at 29 degrees Gemini squares Neptune (29 Pisces).

September  3rd - Virgo New Moon at 11 degrees Virgo.  This New Moon is opposite Saturn (16 Pisces)  and makes close to an exact conjunction with the fixed star Zosma.   

September  11th - Mercury leaves its post retrograde shadow.

New Moons usually bring fresh starts and new beginnings, and this one is no different—except, some cosmic bigwigs like Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn, along with their supporting cast (Venus, Mars, and yes… Mercury is still hanging around), are all saying, "Not so fast!"

With the exception of the New Moon’s square to Saturn (which also hints at delays), the rest of the planets are holding intense conversations at the anaretic degree—the final degree of a sign, which brings a sense of restlessness and an urge to move forward that is almost irresistible. But don’t rush. This is our last moment of stillness to pause, and breathe, as we stand before a gateway. Take this moment to reflect and say good bye to the past before moving on with the future.

As an ex-Project Manager, I would liken this to a sign-off or approval meeting of all departmental VPs before a new system implementation goes live.  The Lion’s gate gave us an idea/a spark.  Mercury retrograde had us reassess, reevaluate and refine that idea.  The Virgo New Moon opposing Saturn is dotting all the Is , crossing all the Ts and ensuring our readiness before flipping the switch.  

So let’s unpack this….

Neptune 29 degrees Pisces Trine Pluto 29 degrees Capricorn

Of all the different interpretations I have read about this transit.  I think Kim Castella said it best.

“During this time we’ll attempt to better understand how we  exert our will out in the world and what motivates us to achieve success. We’re more open to examining what kind of changes we need to improve our life, but aren’t solely concerned with material values. While this process may not dissuade us from ambitious efforts, we’ll seek to establish a more spiritual basis for our achievements.. The insights gained and changes made will prepare for success in the future.”

This is a crucial moment for deep self-understanding and acceptance before moving forward. It's essential to ground ourselves fully in our new direction before sharing it with others, ensuring it's fully developed within us first.

Neptune 29 degrees Pisces opposes Venus 29 degrees Virgo 

This can be a tricky aspect to navigate. Neptune tends to cloud clarity, mixing confusion with heightened spiritual and creative sensitivities. In this aspect, a discerning Venus in Virgo is challenged to decode Neptune's elusive messages. Be cautious about slipping into self-sacrifice, especially if that's a familiar pattern. Emotions might muddle the waters, so it's crucial to ensure that your partnerships—whether business or intimate—are transparent with clear intentions and goals. Clarity is key, especially when it comes to financial negotiations; scrutinize every detail.

Venus Ingress into Libra

Venus is feeling much more upbeat and idealistic these days! After crashing at her meticulous friend Virgo's place, she's finally back home in cozy Libra. Ahhh, home sweet home! Now she can toss aside the pencil, calculator, and endless to-do lists, and instead, work her magic through charm and grace. No need for pushiness or bravado here.

But let's be honest—while Venus lounges in her Libra abode, it's important to keep an eye on those boundaries and the tendency to compromise too much. The flip side of this placement is a flair for people-pleasing, and that's exactly what the South Node in Libra has been reminding us about since July 17, 2023. So, enjoy the harmonious vibes, but don't forget to stand your ground when needed!

Venus (0 Libra ) Trine Pluto (0 Aquarius)

“Beauty Awakens the Soul to Act” - Dante Alighieri.

With both planets at 0° in their respective signs, this aspect signals the dawn of a new chapter. Once we’ve aligned ourselves, this trine grants us the power of persuasion, the ability to attract influential allies, and the resilience needed to achieve our goals.

Virgo New Moon 11 degrees - opposite Saturn (16 Pisces) - conjunct the fixed star Zosma   

Even the New Moon feels the brakes of Saturn, urging us to slow down and proceed with wisdom, maturity, and responsibility.

We’re still navigating a larger story that began with the Lion’s Gate on July 8th. At this critical juncture, we’re asked to pause and make sure we’re truly ready to level up in handling whatever’s on our plates.

While Virgo New Moons typically emphasize clarity, order, and routine, they can also tip into perfectionism and hyper-criticism. This lunation calls us to refine our habits and routines for greater efficiency, but not in a rushed manner. Instead, it encourages thoughtful observation, adjustment, and those small, smart tweaks that yield big rewards.

Enter Zosma, a fixed star that demands more than a minor adjustment. Here, we’re challenged to ensure we’ve truly stepped up. Marina Marchione of Dark Star Astrology offers insight into Zosma’s influence during this New Moon. Here’s an excerpt:

“Zosma is a fixed star known for its complex and often challenging influence. This star carries a dual nature, offering both the potential for profound empathy and the risk of darker, more self-destructive tendencies. Positively, Zosma can awaken deep compassion, making individuals sensitive to the suffering of others, often leading them to roles where they help those in pain, such as healers, caregivers or social workers. However, Zosma can also bring about melancholia, selfishness, and a tendency towards self-pity or victimization.

 It has been associated with difficult experiences and karmic retribution for past actions where one might have been egotistical or abused power.

Zosma’s influence during the new moon asks you to find a balance between acknowledging past mistakes and using that awareness to foster positive change, rather than dwelling in negativity. Embrace the new moon as an opportunity to transform pain into purpose, allowing Zosma’s complex energy to guide you toward redemption and meaningful growth.”

So once again, even though the New Moon isn’t at an anaretic degree, we’re being urged to pause and reflect, making sure we move forward with careful, cautious, and conscious steps.

Mars at 29 degrees Gemini squares Neptune (29 Pisces)

This aspect, like the earlier Pluto/Neptune alignment, challenges us to reflect on how we assert ourselves in the world. While we all have the right to pursue our desires, at this anaretic degree, we're being urged to examine our motives and the extent to which we’re willing to assert our opinions or needs to move forward. This self-examination ensures that we are on solid footing as we step through the gateway into our new beginning.

Mercury leaving its post retrograde shadow

Mercury stations direct on August 29th at 22° Leo. While it’s now moving forward, Mercury is retracing its retrograde path, which began at 4° Virgo on August 4th. This journey won’t be complete until Mercury revisits 4° Virgo for the final time on September 11th.

Until then, lingering Mercury retrograde issues—especially misunderstandings and unclear communications—won’t be fully resolved until September 11th.

All of these aspects are urging us to pause and take one final breath to ensure that our mind, body, and soul are aligned before moving forward.

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.” — Thich Nhat Hanh.




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