The Sagittarius New Moon and Pluto’s birthing the Age of Aquarius
Cosmic Happenings:
November 19, 2024 to March 8, 2043 - Pluto ingresses into Aquarius
November 25 to December 15 - Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius
December 1 -Sagittarius New Moon - 1:21a.m.; 9 degrees Sag
New Moon Aspects:
Square Saturn in Pisces
Trine Mars in Leo
Trine the North Node in Aries
Sextile the South Node in Libra
December 6 to February 23 - Mars retrogrades in Leo and Cancer
On December 6 - 5 planets are retrograde
Welcome to the birthing of the Age of Aquarius
Pluto’s birth into Aquarius, like having a child, is a 20 year commitment. And as much as we parents may love our children, we know it is not all fluffy, white duvets with the whole family (including the dog) cooing and cuddling in bed. It’s hard work, sometimes unpleasant, yet beautifully growth producing and perspective altering.
As I have mentioned in previous posts, Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius is just the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Pluto in Aquarius wants to transform us socially as a collective. We saw his work with our institutions (financial, educational, governmental, etc.) while he was in Capricorn (2008-2024). Now it is our turn as a society - as humans to be collectively transformed.
As early as March and May of 2025, when Saturn, Neptune and Uranus all start visiting their new signs before moving permanently in 2026, we will notice this change. However, by mid-August 2025, when all 3 transpersonal planets stand together at the threshold of their new signs, we will have clarity as to what is in store for us in 2026 and beyond.
In 2026, toddler Pluto in Aquarius is not infant Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto in Capricorn (earth), with Neptune and Saturn in Pisces (water) and Uranus in Taurus (earth) was like operating in quicksand. Change was a slog. Pluto’s fine and gross motor skills were slow and developing.
Pluto entering Aquarius (air) is much different. Fine and gross motor skills are quickening and developing at a more rapid pace. By 2026, when Saturn and Neptune permanently enter Aries (fire),and Uranus permanently enters Gemini (air) Pluto’s changes will be hot and fast. Air feeds fire.
If you're not grounded, change in 2026 could feel like getting your foot run over by a Ferrari. By the time you feel the burn, the car and driver are 20 miles away and your left, shoulders shrugged, hands in the air, shouting WTH was that?!
But the good news is all of these transpersonal planets will be in harmonious aspects to one another. Pluto will be sextile Saturn and Neptune, while making a trine to Uranus. Uranus, Neptune and Saturn will all be sextile one another as well. So there is an air of compatibility and consonance to the transformation.
What we were asked to do when the moon was on the Scorpio/Taurus axis, last month, was to find solid emotional grounding in preparation of these fast moving external changes that we will all be experiencing on a collective level.
However, the ask of this Sagittarius new moon, now that we are not so easily being dragged around by our emotions, is where exactly do we want to channel our energy, passion, will and drive.
With a new moon (clarity or light being obscured) and with 5 planets retrograde, I’d say this is an internal processing moment. No need for public declarations.
With the new moon’s harmonious aspect to the nodes that harken us to stand in our own authentic autonomy while maintaining right relationships with others, I would also be inclined to look at this as a time when we are contemplating putting our actions towards our heart’s calling.
If you have done the emotional work, you may have sensed and had discussions about where heart felt necessary change is needed. Now you may be devising a plan to move forward with implementing those changes. And for some that may mean leaving behind relationships that no longer serve the person we are becoming.
The Sagittarius new moon is also square Saturn in Pisces and trine Mars in Leo.
Hot Mars in fiery Leo wants action, but this Mars has been in its pre-retrograde zone since the beginning of October, so not so fast on pulling that trigger. You may have second thoughts after it is all said and done.
Also the moon’s square to Saturn in Pisces may mean one more check-in to ensure we have developed strong enough emotional boundaries, have the commitment, and/or ability to clearly distinguish wishful thinking from reality, before our mouth writes a check our ass can't cash.
So, in closing, do a final emotional check-in, begin creating your project plan for moving forward.
The Gemini Full Moon and Mercury stationing direct, both happening on Saturday, December 15th, may bring to light important information or needed answers to questions, that help refine our plans and better position us for future success.
As we prepare for this incoming shift of energies in 2026, we are all being asked to do our internal work, because it is the internal work that will keep us grounded and steady in the face of the myriad of fast paced external changes, we are about to encounter.
New Moon Blessings,