Taurus Full Moon -Emotional Preventative Maintenance
On Friday, November 15, 2024, we have a Taurus Full Moon at 24 degrees Taurus.
Cosmic Aspects include
Moon in Taurus opposite Sun in Scorpio
Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus
Moon in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces
Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus
Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
Pluto in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
This full moon, similar to the November 1st new moon, is again both sensitive and edgy.
Once, again it is a mix of water (emotions - Pisces and Scorpio) and earth (grounding - Taurus, and Capricorn)
The difference is that under the obscured light of the new moon, all the facts we needed to begin charting a path forward were not available to us. The new moon asked us to take a deep dive into our emotional body and probe some deep seated feelings, their origins and whether those feelings are still viable for the people we are becoming and the path forward we are charting.
However, with the full moon, all information is illuminated, so we are well positioned to release outmoded behaviors, situations, and possibly people in order to cleanly and firmly move forward.
Uranus’s presence indicates sudden upheavals. A last minute change of heart, a sudden unveiling of new information both which may create a need to pivot our plan or tact.
The Moon conjunct Uranus is the hallmark of unconventional and/or unpredictable emotional behavior. This aspect may poke at insecurities especially related to finances, property/land/the earth and self worthiness.
The Sun opposite Uranus , screams to hell with all those emotions and insecurities and is chomping at the bit to move forward into a new and exciting way of living life to its fullest. Queue up Frank Sinatra’s “My Way”!
But we may want to consider following the path of the Middle Way - a Buddhist spiritual practice of living a life that avoids extremes. At least until we get a preview of some of the changes headed our way in the first quarter of 2025.
The full moon is also sextile Neptune in Pisces . Again this aspect heightens emotions, along with intuition and creativity. Compassion, trust and loyalty may be highlighted. Add the Sun trine Neptune and we have the potential for a marriage of manifesting material, spiritual and creative dreams wrapped in vows laced with sympathy and empathy.
We are individually and collectively charting a new path forward. This journey began with the Scorpio New Moon and continues with this Full Moon. We are being asked to perform our own preventive maintenance, via an emotional check-up to ensure we are emotionally grounded, healthy and resilient to face the twist and turns we encounter as we embark on the The Age of Aquarius road trip.
The continuation of Neptune trine Pluto at the anaretic degree of Pisces and Capricorn and the opposition of Mars and Pluto (thru April 2025) at the anaretic degree of Cancer and Capricorn continues to test our roadworthiness.
The 2025 temporary planetary ingress of 3 transpersonal planets and their aspects serve as a sneak preview to the developing new traffic patterns we will soon be traveling, before the sealcoat is applied in 2026 and we are full speed ahead.
This road will not be resurfaced again until 2032 and 2038 respectively. So do the internal work, and remain present to better navigate detours and help avoid those pesky pot holes.
For more detailed information on the 2025-2026 planetary changes, please visit my Scorpio New Moon post.
Enjoy exploring your new path.