A Need for Balance - The Week of the Summer Solstice; What the Quincunx?

In astrology, the Summer Solstice is when the sun first ingresses into the constellation of Cancer.  The sun, which represents the masculine principle, yang, is about to cross the threshold of the moon’s domicile, the house of yin.

We took action and planted our seeds during the Vernal Equinox, now we must balance that art of action with the art of waiting.  Just like pregnancy.  We move from the act of conception to the gestation period before we embark on the act of birthing.

So here we are asked to balance these opposite but complementary forces.

But what I noticed about this solstice is the parade of quincunxes with Pluto leading up to and then occurring once again on the day of the actual Solstice.  

And this is for us all as a collective, and even more so as Pluto represents the collective unconscious.  However the houses with Cancer and Aquarius on the cusps are where we will notice a difference in where this energy plays out for us individually. 

But what is a quincunx?  

It is the most significant of the minor astrological aspects.  It takes place when two planets are 150 degrees apart in the zodiac, or five signs apart. 

This aspect can bring with it not just a sense of discomfort or tension between the two planets' energies, it brings the added bonus of being so persistent it may actually provoke an urge to compulsive action.

And Pluto does govern our compulsive actions, the hidden dimensions of our emotional life, and the parts of ourselves we’d like to keep to ourselves.  These will most likely be triggered between June 17th and June 21st. 

So, here once again, as with the solstice, we are encouraged to seek a balance between Pluto’s intensity and impulsiveness with the energies of Mercury, Venus and the Sun.

June 17th - Pluto quincunx Mercury and Pluto quincunx Venus

Pluto quincunx Mercury -  Thinking and communicating may be challenging, intense and heavy.  Avoid plots and schemes.   And no, don’t try to pretend to send that overtly ever so innocent email that covertly you know will send the recipient off the rails, just for the drama and giggles. 

Under this influence even the simplest of misunderstandings may be met with suspicion. Watch for smooth talkers with an agenda.  You know the adage, if it sounds too good to be true……

Pluto quincunx Venus -  Dirty John/Jane - Wanting to experience life more intensely in Venus areas, love, leisure, entertainment, beauty, values and money.  Here again, seek balance.  Be wary that your urges in these areas don't have you going broke, or acting out of alignment with your core beliefs.  Watch for people who seem to have an overwhelmingly powerful persona. Pluto attracts the ruthless and implies love affairs under this influence. The perfect storm for a powerful, smooth talking operator that could leave you emotionally and financially spent.

June 20th - Pluto quincunx the Sun - The Coup de Grace

Pluto quincunx the Sun - After the 2 previous quincunxes, this inconjunct may be the culmination; this aspect is almost like a mini crisis.  The build up of the last 3 days may seem so intense for some, it  may result in self-destructive behavior. Control, manipulation and power are all implied. Again, balance is the remedy. 

 Don’t bolster your own ego by engaging in the conniving and devious, but also don’t relinquish your own power through addictions or passive-aggressive behavior.  Come Correct - with honesty and integrity.

This is a lot of heavy energy in such a short period of time.

Breathe, Eat well, and Get ample sleep to help stay centered, healthy and in right relationship with all of those we encounter.

Below is where the house Cancer may fall in your chart using the degree of your Rising Sign.

Not sure of the degree of your ascendant, look at both houses and see where you are sensing some discomfort and an urge to take action.

With peace and blessings,



A Challenging Cancer Season Gets a Bump of Charisma - July 2nd and 5th


Jupiter Enters Gemini