Jupiter enters Gemini


Jupiter, known as the universe's greatest benefic, brings growth and blessings wherever it goes. It embodies optimism, understanding, and abundance.

Jupiter typically spends approximately one year in each astrological sign. Its previous journey through Gemini occurred from June 11, 2012, to June 25, 2013. Looking back on that time, consider where you felt most successful or in alignment with your goals. You may find parallels in your current experiences. 

Jupiter from Taurus to Gemini

In the previous 12 months, Jupiter traversed Taurus, a fixed, earth sign associated with financial stability, gradual growth, and a sense of security. This period saw steady progress and a focus on material aspects.

Now, as Jupiter moves into Gemini, a mutable air sign, the energy shifts significantly. Gemini is intellectually daring, communicative, and socially versatile. It encourages exploration of ideas and connections on a mental level.

So, Congratulations to all air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) as Jupiter forms harmonious aspects with your sun, enhancing vitality and providing a natural boost to your life force.

Jupiter in detriment in Gemini

However, Jupiter in Gemini is not all rainbows, unicorns and cotton candy. Jupiter is in its detriment (not one of its favorite signs) in Gemini.  Gemini is detailed, communicative,  data driven and wants to share ideas in excruciating (not to say it’s not important; just a style type) detail.

Jupiter is all about having an open mind and sharing ideas, but wants it in broad strokes at a high level.  So while we may see growth in the areas of education, communication, our flexibility, etc.  it may be a lil’ bit uncomfortable when trying to straddle the fence between blending in the needed details yet keeping it high level.

On a National Level

Jupiter rules the religious; judicial worlds; a nation's wealth, banks and bankers.

Let’s review some of 2012 -2013 headlines, when Jupiter was in Gemini last.

  1. The American Episcopal Church becomes the first to approve a rite for blessing gay marriages

  2. Kateri Tekakwitha canonized as the 1st Native American saint by Pope Benedict XVI 

  3. The Eurozone announces that it will make loans of 43.7 billion euros to Greece

  4. HSBC bank settles with US authorities to pay $1.9 billion for drug cartel money laundering

  5. UK House of Commons votes in favour of same-sex marriage

  6. Obama beats Romney.  

    1. Obama’s agenda was on  healthcare, foreign policy, and economic recovery.

  7. Pope Benedict the first pope to voluntarily resign since Celestine V in 1294.

  8. The Dow Jones surpasses its 2007 pre-financial crisis levels for the first time

So, wherever Gemini is in your natal chart is where you will see areas of growth, expansion, luck and an ease of achievement if you put forth a lil’ effort.

I use the Placidus housing system.  Below is what I would use for making a predictive generality, I find it works best for assigning areas of activity by sign without an actual chart

Not sure of your degree - read both and see where in our life you see doors opening.

Take time to stop and enjoy each blessing!

Happy Jupiter in Gemini!


Jupiter in Gemini by rising sign


A Need for Balance - The week of the Summer Solstice; What the Quincunx?


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