A Challenging Cancer Season Gets a Bump of Charisma - July 2nd and 5th
July 2nd Mercury enters Leo
Pay Attention to Themes:
Mercury will retrograde back into the late degrees of Leo (29th to 21st degrees) and then go direct again between August 15th and September 9th. Themes that emerge now may reappear during this period. If you have planets or angles within those degrees, you’ll experience this energy more intensely than others.
Changes in our Communication Styles:
When Mercury is in Cancer, communication tends to be indirect, much like the sideways walk of a crab, avoiding direct confrontation. We may focus on the emotional impact of our words, as we feel sensitive to others' tones and expressions.
Mercury in Leo brings a shift. Instead of speaking from the heart, we speak with heart, exhibiting more confidence, boldness, charisma, and a flair for storytelling. This can also come with a bit of a carefree attitude toward details. If unchecked this expression may come across as boastful, ambitious and a bit arrogant.
So get down with your new bold sense of communication but remember:
Boldness doesn't mean rude, obnoxious, loud or disrespectful. Being bold is being firm, sure, confident, fearless, daring, strong, resilient and not easily intimidated.
— Mike Yaconelli
If an issue arose with the quincunx between Mercury and Pluto, around June 17th, it may be revisited on July 3rd with an opposition between Mercury and Pluto at 1 degree Leo and Aquarius.
The good news is with the quincunx, the planets were at a degree where they couldn't see (angle interpretation) each other. They were in signs that don’t share elements or modalities. So basically, they just don’t get each other.
But with an opposition they are now directly across the table from one another, and may now see each other’s point of view; however, still disagree with one another. The signs don’t share an element, but share a modality. Aquarius and Leo are both fixed in modality - meaning they have a tendency to be stubborn and fixed in their opinion. So be on the lookout for that characteristic to possibly bubble up in yourself along with others.
July 5th Cancer New Moon - Tough Love in the name of Self Love
Home Sweet Home for the Moon
The Moon is in its domicile in Cancer, emphasizing home, family, emotions, security, and intuition (remember, the crab carries its home everywhere it goes). It's all about feeling comfortable and secure.
Be mindful of the souls in our circle of family and friends who may not have had the greatest childhoods. Past traumas may have resurfaced especially with the Pluto quincunx Venus and Mercury on June 17th, or the Pluto opposition to Mercury on the 2nd. They might need a little extra TLC during this time.
Conjunct Venus
This aspect amplifies the new moon's energy, especially in terms of love for family and friends, and the desire to bring them into your home to express your care and affection. However, be mindful of your emotional susceptibility, as you are equally receptive to both positive and negative influences around you. If the togetherness becomes overwhelming, use your home as a decompression chamber and a safe space to center and ground yourself.
Sextile Mars
Mars sextiling the Moon and Venus adds an exciting, dynamic energy to this new moon. Mars represents our will and drive, while Venus brings charm and attraction. This combination creates a perfect blend of ambition and allure. You can pursue your goals without appearing aggressive; confidently navigate the social and romantic scenes and/or see a boost in your social media popularity!
Trine Saturn
With Saturn involved, it is telling you with a little effort you can bring these Moon, Venus, Mars goals to fruition. So, if it is a raise or promotion (money is Venus ruled) you want, go for it - after you do your due diligence and research the ask.
If you're looking for someone special, put your confident self out there, but not completely. Saturn values a cautious approach, with some proof of concept, so heed Venus and Mars, test the waters, and reveal just enough until you're more certain of the tide.
Square the North Node
Nodal squares often indicate skipped steps in our past lives. With the Moon and Venus involved, maternal figures or women may play a prominent role in this energy. When the Moon and Venus square one node, they simultaneously square both the North and South Nodes. The Aries/Libra nodal axis (which began on July 17, 2023, and will end on January 11, 2025) is about balancing self with relationships. It focuses on being true to oneself without sacrificing respect for others, setting fair boundaries, and ending habitual people-pleasing.
Saturn and Mars are supporting this process by enhancing our resilience, perseverance, and determination. This helps us maintain our sense of home and belonging (Cancer), be comfortable in our own skin, and value self-love and self-respect (Venus). We achieve this while still being mindful of others' needs without feeling beholden or constrained by them.
North Node activations typically bring people or situations into our lives to aid our evolution, while South Node activations generally remove them to facilitate growth. With both nodes being activated, expect a mix of arrivals and departures that contribute to your personal development.
Cancer New Moon Bath Ritual
For a Cancer New Moon Ritual, consider incorporating a ritual bath to embrace the element of water.
Candles: Use white or silver candles to symbolize the moon and purification.
Salts and Oils: Add sea or Epsom salts to the bath along with essential oils like vanilla, eucalyptus, ylang ylang and spearmint, which resonate with Cancer.
Intentions: Step into the bath with clear intentions for what you wish to manifest and release. Keep these in mind as you soak, asking the universe to help you align with the energies of the new moon and other planets to support your goals.
Purification: Let the salt draw out toxins and release negative modes of behavior or thought patterns, while the oils soften and relax your body, aiding new intentions to take root.
Release: As you finish and the water drains, visualize the end of old habits and the beginning of new, positive ways of being.
New Moon Blessings!