Happy Jupiter Conjunct the Sun and Uranus Conjunct Venus

Jupiter conjunct the Sun - Laissez les Bons Temps Rouler - Let the Good Times Roll

This is not for a select group of signs; this is for all of us!  Transiting Jupiter will conjunct the transiting sun on Saturday, 5/18/24 at 28 degrees Taurus. Whatever house 28 degree Taurus is in your chart, will see a boost of activity, growth and general good fortune, but with the Sun in play, you personally should have a lil’ extra pep in your step.

Say, Yes to opportunities because…..

Uranus Conjunct Venus - Expect the Unexpected with Women, Finances, Love, Relationships and Emotions

On the same day we have Uranus conjunct Venus at 23 degrees Taurus - again this is for all of us. 

Some of the general themes for this transit include:

  • A Call and or an Attraction to the Unusual - people, places, things

  • A Prompt for Freedom - an itch to hit the road without a plan for some place new and beautiful, if just for a ride.

  • Appreciation for art, aesthetic beauty, music. Maybe a trip to the museum/gallery or a jam session will catch you by the heel or simply zhuzhing up your surroundings.

  • Financial and Relational Fluctuation - for better or worse!

  • Emotional Reactions- People's emotions and reactions may not be as expected; To be forewarned is to be forearmed!

This is exciting, because I believe it’s the Venus/Uranus’s unexpected opportunities, people or situations that may open everything up for the Jupiter and the Sun’s aspect to bestow their gifts.

These planets together form a stellium.  Venus, Jupiter, Uranus and the Sun are basically having a house party at Decan 3 Taurus - The Hardworking Dreamer Chasing his Dream Decan!

This is a lot of lovely, exciting, although somewhat unpredictable energy!  

Uranus is like a friend or relative that shows up at your party as either the captivating charmer or repugnant instigator. It’s a total crap shoot how things may come about!

This is why I am soft launching Empyreal Evolution today

I use astrology to plan.  I want to work with the universe’s energy, not against it.  All this activity is taking place in my 4th house  - House of Home opposite my House of Career.  I couldn’t think of a better day to launch my home based business. Jupiter and Venus both here with the Sun.  Can you say Wooo Hoo!?    

So I said, Yes, to putting myself out there ready to embrace the unexpected wherever and through whomever (Uranus/Venus conjunction) it is meant to find me to allow opportunities for growth and expansion (Sun conjunct Jupiter) to follow.  

So here I am!  Ready to be embraced by the cosmic forces surrounding us today!. 

Come and Get Me!

May these cosmic energies find you, bless you and ignite excitement within you. 

May they also bring forth opportunities for growth, love, beauty, and peace in your life.



Jupiter enters Gemini


Pluto Enters Aquarius 01-21-24