Pisces New Moon- Do your thing; but, if you're rolling to your left, don't forget I'm on the right!

New Moon -Thursday 27 February, 7:44pm (EST- New York) at 9° Pisces

Welcome Eclipse Season -First eclipse of 2025 - March 14th’s Virgo Full Moon

Cosmic Aspects:

  • New Moon - Sun (Pisces) conjunct Moon (Pisces)

  • New Moon (Pisces) trine Mars (Leo)

  • New Moon (Pisces) square Jupiter (Gemini)

  • Mercury (Pisces) conjunct Saturn (Pisces)

  • Mercury (Pisces) conjunct North Node (Pisces)

  • Mercury (Pisces) conjunct Neptune (Pisces)

  • Mars (Cancer) trine Mercury (Pisces) 

  • Mars (Cancer) trine Saturn (Pisces)

  • Mars (Cancer) square Venus (Aries)

  • Neptune (Pisces) conjunct North Node(Pisces)

New Moon in Pisces

On February 27th, when the moon floats into Pisces, we will be in a tsunami of Pisces energy.  Below, in order of degree, I have listed all the planets including the north node that the moon will join in Pisces.  

  • Sun - 9°, Moon - 9°, Saturn - 21°, Mercury - 23°, North Node - 27° and Neptune - 28°, 

While new moons, usually call us to be introspective, in order to set clear intentions for a new beginning, this new moon, in the final sign of the zodiac, especially with 4 planets in the last decan of Pisces, including the sign’s modern ruler, Neptune, so close to the final (anaretic) degree, asks that we also look at what is ending.  What is ending within each of us and the collective.  Pisces feels the collective, broadly and deeply. Each of us a single drop of water merging into a vast ocean of oneness. Feeling and seeing ourselves in each other; truly knowing there is no separation.

This new moon asks us to assert our will and desire to manifest our individual dreams, but to do so remembering we don’t live in a vacuum and we are all moving through life together.  Therefore we need to use intuition, empathy and creativity in our interactions with one another.  When engaging with others,  pay attention to the thoughts you may have about the other person, the tone and words you are using to express yourself and how you are behaving and acting.  

Are you a self-serving bulldozer that annihilates obstacles in its path or a self-directing, compassionate member of the human race?

A quote that I think is fitting for this new moon is by Anthony Gucciard, "Empathy is the highest form of intelligence." 

A song I think captures the essence of this new moon is Seal’s, Get It Together!

Pisces New Moon Aspects

New Moon in Pisces trine Mars in Leo

Mars in Leo brings passion and desire to the sensitivities of the moon.  Add the sun and we also have a willingness to manifest what we desire.  Leo provides the courage and leadership to help us initiate our getting what we want. 

If ever there was a time to feel ok about being direct and assertive (while also maintaining right relationship with others) it is now.

The moon and sun in Pisces softens the brashness of Mars and arrogance of Leo.  So take some solace in knowing you won’t come across bossy or rude.  Instead,  you may end up being admired for your directness, honesty and/or sincerity. The charisma of this aspect adds an appeal. With a lil’ dash of charm and a twist of magnetism,  you may just find yourself as the signature drink at this season’s cocktail party.

New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini

This soft transit provides a smooth and easy feeling of well-being.  However, Jupiter’s rep of always going big and never going home, may result in carelessness and/or extravagance that later may be viewed with regret.  So know your lane.

This is an excellent time for socializing and indulging our senses within reason. Jupiter also tends to be overly optimistic, so again just be careful to do everything in moderation to avoid guilt or remorse.

With the new moon in the spiritual sign of Pisces and Jupiter ruling the 9th house of religion,  you may also feel yourself becoming more drawn to belief systems and/or spiritual practices in one form or another.

Mercury in Pisces conjunct Saturn in Pisces

The upside of this aspect is imagination meets pragmatism providing us the ability to manifest our ideas - turning our dreams into realities.  The downside is Saturn adds tension to Pisces flow.  Saturn weighs heavily on the mind (Mercury).  It asks we blend creativity and responsibility via practicality.  Not an easy tightrope to walk.  Also, we may find ourselves feeling censored or having difficulty expressing ourselves.  So, once again, we have the support and opportunity to manifest our ideas (as with the New Moon trine Mars). But this aspect also asks us how badly we want it.  Are we willing to put in the effort (unlike the Moon trine Mars).

Mercury in Pisces conjunct North Node in Pisces

The North Node entered Pisces on January 11, 2025 and will remain in Pisces until April 2026.  It is a call to foster intuition, creativity, compassion and spiritual growth.  Add Mercury to the mix and we are harkened to incorporate these elements into our thought process and speech.

Mercury in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces

While Mercury conjunct Saturn wants  practical thinking, Neptune conjunct Mercury is more aligned with Mercury conjunct the North Node, imploring us to utilize creative problem solving and intuition based decision making. 

Mars in Cancer trine Mercury in Pisces

Fostering a harmonious relationship between our communication style and our drive.  Using intuition and emotional intelligence in going after our desires and asserting our will.  Developing a communication style that nurtures and supports, while we continue driving forward to meet our own needs.

Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Intuition blended with discipline. Creating an atmosphere of stability and harmony.  Here the  fiery temperature of Mars and disciplined structures of Saturn are softened by the compassionate waters of Pisces and nurturing waters of Cancer.

Mars in Cancer square Venus in Aries

Another aspect of balance,  as possible conflicts may arise as Venus’s assertive, bold and fearless self assertion squares off with Mars in Cancer’s need for self protection, emotional security and stability.  This could be an internal or external conflict.

Neptune in Pisces conjunct the North Node in Pisces

A calling to release control and surrender to what life is asking of us. 

Dissolve control over outcomes, release our grip on overly fixated goals, loosen our excessive rigidity with our routines.  The invitation is for us to soften and anchor ourselves in faith, trusting that everything is aligning and working out as it is meant to.

If you instinctually live or react to change with a death grip on control, the universe is asking for just the opposite.  Have faith, even when it seems counter intuitive, that all is working towards our own betterment individually and collectively.

New Moon Blessings,



Leo Full Moon - Be Your Own Personal Jesus